
At the beginning you should try to get a good economic basis. In order to do so you have to extend the 18 resource fields (village overview). There are four different types of resource fields: Woodcutter, Clay pit, Iron mine and Cropland. If you click one of them, you will get more information and the option to extend it.

Later in the game the buildings in the village become important too. In order to construct a new building you have to click on one of the green ovals. A list with every building that is available will appear.

Some buildings can only be built if you fulfil the prerequisites which are other buildings.

Main Building

Main Building The village's master builders live in the main building. The higher its level the faster your master builders complete the construction of new buildings.

Tribe advantage:
Romans: Can build/extend a resource field and a village building at the same time.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 70 | Clay 40 | Iron 60 | Crop 20 | Crop consumption 2 | 0:33:20



Warehouse The resources lumber, clay and iron are stored in your warehouse. By increasing its level you increase your warehouse's capacity.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 130 | Clay 160 | Iron 90 | Crop 40 | Crop consumption 1 | 0:33:20

Main Building Level 1


Granary The crop produced by your farms is stored in the granary. By increasing its level you increase the granary?s capacity.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 80 | Clay 100 | Iron 70 | Crop 20 | Crop consumption 1 | 0:26:40

Main Building Level 1


Cranny The cranny is used to hide some of your resources when the village is attacked. These resources cannot be stolen. At level 1 100 resources are hidden.

Tribe advantage:
Gauls: The cranny is twice as big.
Teutons: Enemy crannies only hides 66% of the normal amount in Travian version 2.5 and 3, and 80% of the normal amount in Travian version 3.5.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 40 | Clay 50 | Iron 30 | Crop 10 | Crop consumption 0 | 0:12:30



Embassy In order to join an alliance you need an embassy. With an embassy level 3 you can even found one yourself. With each higher level the maximum size of the alliance increases by 3.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 180 | Clay 130 | Iron 150 | Crop 80 | Crop consumption 3 | 0:33:20

Main Building Level 1

Rally Point

Rally Point At the rally point you can instruct your troops and can see the sender of oncoming troops. The rally point can only be build at the building site right of the village centre. The higher its level the more targets for the catapults become available.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 110 | Clay 160 | Iron 90 | Crop 70 | Crop consumption 1 | 0:33:20



Marketplace At the marketplace you can trade resources with other players. The higher its level, the more resources can be transported at the same time.

Tribe advantage:
Romans: Each merchant can carry 500 resources.
Velocity: 16 fields/hour.
Teutons: Each merchant can carry 1000 resources.
Velocity: 12 fields/hour.
Gauls: Each merchant can carry 750 resources.
Velocity: 24 fields/hour.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 80 | Clay 70 | Iron 120 | Crop 70 | Crop consumption 4 | 0:30:00

Main Building Level 3, Warehouse Level 1, Granary Level 1


Barracks Infantry can be trained in the barracks. The higher its level the faster the troops are trained.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 210 | Clay 140 | Iron 260 | Crop 120 | Crop consumption 4 | 0:33:20

Rally Point Level 1, Main Building Level 3


Stable Cavalry is trained in the stable. The higher its level the faster the troops are trained.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 260 | Clay 140 | Iron 220 | Crop 100 | Crop consumption 5 | 0:36:40

Blacksmith Level 3, Academy Level 5


Workshop Siege engines like catapults and rams can be built in the workshop. The higher its level the faster the units are produced.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 460 | Clay 510 | Iron 600 | Crop 320 | Crop consumption 3 | 0:50:00

Academy Level 10, Main Building Level 5


Academy New unit types can be developed in the academy. By increasing its level you can order the research of better units.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 220 | Clay 160 | Iron 90 | Crop 40 | Crop consumption 4 | 0:33:20

Barracks Level 3, Main Building Level 3


Blacksmith Your warriors' weapons are enhanced in the blacksmith?s melting furnaces. By increasing its level you can order the fabrication of even better weapons.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 170 | Clay 200 | Iron 380 | Crop 130 | Crop consumption 4 | 0:33:20

Main Building Level 3, Academy Level 3


Armoury Your warriors' armour is enhanced in the armoury's melting furnaces. By increasing its level you can order the fabrication of even better armour.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 130 | Clay 210 | Iron 410 | Crop 130 | Crop consumption 4 | 0:33:20

Main Building Level 3, Academy Level 1


Palace The King or Queen of the empire lives in the palace. The palace can only be built in one village at a time and can be used to make a village the capital. Capitals cannot be conquered.

At level 10, 15 and 20 three settlers or one administrator (Senator, Chief or Chieftain) can be trained.

The Capital is the only place a stonemason's lodge can be erected. Also the capital is the only village where resource fields can be extended beyond level 10.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 550 | Clay 800 | Iron 750 | Crop 250 | Crop consumption 1 | 1:23:20

Embassy Level 1, Main Building Level 5, Residence


Residence The residence is a small palace where the king or queen lives when he or she visits the village. The residence protects the village against enemies who want to conquer it as long as it is not destroyed.

At level 10 and 20 three settlers or one administrator (Senator, Chief or Chieftain) can be trained.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 580 | Clay 460 | Iron 350 | Crop 180 | Crop consumption 1 | 0:33:20

Main Building Level 5, Palace

Trade Office

Trade Office In the trade office the merchants' carts get improved and equipped with powerful horses. The higher its level the more your merchants are able to carry.

With each level the capacity increases by 10%. At level 20 your merchants can carry thrice as much as normal.

Tribe advantage:
Romans: In Travian version 3.5 the Roman trade office increases the capacity by 20% per level.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 1400 | Clay 1330 | Iron 1200 | Crop 400 | Crop consumption 3 | 0:50:00

Marketplace Level 20, Stable Level 10

Tournament Square

Tournament Square Your troops can train to increase their stamina at the tournament square. The further the building is upgraded the faster your troops are beyond a minimum distance of 30 squares.

Costs and construction time for level 1:
Lumber 1750 | Clay 2250 | Iron 1530 | Crop 240 | Crop consumption 1 | 0:58:20

Rally Point Level 15

